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6 Tips for Improving Your Product Pages

6 Tips for Improving Your Product Pages

Product pages are an integral part of an e-commerce store. When done well, a product page can help you attract web traffic, make a sale, and keep customers engaged with your online store. When done badly, they won’t yield search traffic and potential customers that do reach the page will soon click away. If your product pages aren’t yielding great results, here are some tips to make them better.

Write Useful and Enticing Product Descriptions

A product page is only as useful as the information it contains. People click on a product page to find out more about the product. If the information on the page is sparse, not very useful, or poorly written, they will click away. For example, this page on new replacement parts for golf carts has links to every possible part a buyer might need. It is useful and makes it easy for the customer to search for the right part. The easier it is to navigate around an e-commerce site, the less likely the customer is to click away.

Make sure your product descriptions are written in plain English without typos and unnecessary jargon. If a product blurb is overly technical, it makes it hard to read.

Include relevant keywords in product descriptions. These help search engines understand what the page is about. Using the right keywords ensures your product pages are shown in the search results when someone searches for specific items.

Use Great Images

Photos really sell a product when the customer can’t see it in person. All product description pages need excellent photos. If you don’t have images from the product’s manufacturer, have professional photos taken so the product is clearly shown in the best possible light. Include images from all angles that show every feature.

It is even better if you can include a video of the product being used. This helps potential customers decide if the product is right for them.

Make Sure Prices are Accurate and Clear

Most customers will want to check the price of a product before they do anything else. Every product page should have prices clearly displayed, and if there are product variations available at different prices, this should be clear too.

Include a link to the shipping costs on the page, if applicable, so buyers can check how much it will cost them to have the item shipped to their address.

Make Products Easy to Buy

No buyer wants to jump through multiple hoops when they are ready to buy. The more steps a buyer must take, the more likely they are to abandon their shopping cart. Ideally, buying a product should be a simple process that involves clicking a ‘buy now’ button and going through a fast online checkout.

Check payment gateways and verify that discounts and promotions work as intended.

Optimize Product Pages for Mobile Users

Increasing numbers of buyers are shopping using mobile devices. If a product page is not optimized for mobile use, you will see a sharp decline in the number of sales. Check that all product pages are displayed properly on mobile browsers and operating systems. If you are building a new e-commerce store, consider prioritizing a mobile version of the store to improve your conversion rates.

Check Page Loading Times

Slow loading pages are the main reason why buyers click away. People don’t want to wait several minutes for a product page to open; they are much too impatient for that. Page loading speed is also important for SEO and search engines penalize pages that take too long to load.

It is worth spending extra time making sure your product pages are as good as you can get them. The better they are, the higher your conversion rates will be.

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