Everything You Should Know About Sleep Apnea

Everything You Should Know About Sleep Apnea

Did you know that sleep apnea is a prevalent condition that can severely affect your health and sometimes can be life-threatening? Do you know why? Because it is a severe disorder that involves intermittent pauses in your breathing pattern while you sleep.

Despite its popularity, sleep apnea has most of the time gone undiagnosed, and thus some expert refers it to as the “quiet culprit.” sleep apnea is not something to sleep on because it is always identified with loud and irritating snoring.
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Facts about Sleep Apnea

If you have ever wondered if you or your loved one has sleep apnea, below is a list of essential facts you need to know about the condition.

1. Anyone Can Get Sleep Apnea.

One fact that makes sleep apnea an outstanding condition is that it can victimize anyone regardless of their age, gender and race. Anyone of any age group can fall victim to sleep apnea. However, we have those people who have a higher risk of developing sleep apnea. The following are the common risk factors for sleep apnea.

  • Being obese and overweight
  • Anatomical factors like a big tongue, large tonsils, and sometimes a Small Jaw Bone
  • Genetic inheritance/Family History. If your parents or grandparents had the condition, there is a more significant probability that you will have it.
  • Middle-age and old age
  • A big neck
  • Being an Alcoholic

If you are not sure if you have sleep apnea or not, it will be best if you visit a sleep apnea Dentist for a professional diagnosis and advice.

2. Apnea Comes in Three Types.

One of the most common types of sleep apnea is Obstructive. Experts have confirmed this in their various research and surveys. Obstructive sleep apnea usually happens when your throat muscles relax and narrows down your airways, thus interfering with your breathing.

Secondly, we have had cases of another type of sleep apnea called central sleep apnea. It is said that it happens after the brain fails to send signals to your respiratory system muscles. This might cause pauses in your breathing patterns and can be pretty dangerous.

I would refer to the third type as Hybrid sleep apnea because it combines both Destructive and Central sleep apnea. Professionals refer to it as Mixed sleep apnea Complex sleep apnea Syndrome. This type will showcase symptoms of the first two types, i.e., Destructive and Central sleep apnea.

3. Some Conditions Increase the Risk of Sleep Apnea.

Notwithstanding the above risk factors, individuals with specific ailments are at a more severe risk of treating sleep apnea. Conditions connected to a higher risk of obstructive sleep apnea include:

  • Congestive Heart Attack
  • Polycystic Ovary Syndrome
  • Hormonal Disorder
  • Stroke History
  • Parkinson’s Disease
  • Chronic Infections and diseases like Asthma

Moreover, If sleep apnea isn’t dealt with, an individual might foster hypertension, heart issues, type 2 diabetes, and metabolic conditions from an absence of oxygen while dozing.

4. The Symptoms Are the Same Across the Various Types.

The most common sleep apnea symptoms are usually associated with Destructive and Central sleep apnea, as per experts. The Common Symptoms include:

  • Boisterous wheezing
  • Breathing stoppages during rest
  • Heaving for air while you rest
  • Awakening with a dry mouth
  • Having a cerebral pain toward the beginning of the day
  • Inconvenience of staying unconscious
  • Being unnecessarily sluggish during the day
  • Inconvenience concentrating during the day
  • Being touchy

It tends to be challenging to perceive the side effects of apnea all alone. A few signs, like episodes of breathing stoppages around evening, may be seen by someone else.

If you notice different signs, such as peevishness and not feeling rested after you awaken, counsel your primary care physician about your finding and treatment choices.

5. You Can Treat Sleep Apnea.

The good news is that You can treat sleep apnea. We have had many cases of the same condition treated and stopped once and for all. The only challenge comes when you fail to realize that you have it. However, we have experts specializing in similar conditions, and it will be good if you reach out to them for assistance.

sleep apnea can be a hazardous disorder if early care is not accorded. Therefore, it will be best to seek medical attention as early as possible to avoid worse conditions.

David John