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How To Make Online Workshop Interactive

How To Make Online Workshop Interactive

One in every three persons has acknowledged that they feel drowsy in a virtual workshop.

But, why is that?

Well, you must understand that online workshops aren’t always engaging and there’s nobody to catch you if you don’t pay attention.

But, these workshops must be designed to encourage cooperation, so that’ll keep your audience interested and awake. You can download fun online workshop software tools from and see if they liven up the boring meetings.

But, before that, let’s find out more about it.

What Is Online Workshop?

A virtual workshop is one that takes place entirely online and involves both the host and the attendees. They are shorter in duration, ranging from 30 to 90 minutes.

Workshops usually consist of a smaller group of 10-50 individuals who participate in an intensive discussion or activity.

Unlike in-person courses, online workshops allow you to work at your own pace.

Online workshops are proving to be a blessing, thanks to next-generation virtual event platforms on the market and ever-evolving technology. It enables people and businesses to conduct events without investing in costly locations or logistics.

Why Should You Make It Interactive?

Businesses may generate brand awareness, build credibility, and promote trust with online workshops, ranging from pre-recorded online lessons to live events through video conferencing.

These interactive, online learning experiences may teach users and customers about the characteristics of a product and how to utilize it properly.

Job seekers like getting a glimpse behind the scenes to learn more about what it’s like to work for a firm.

As a result, many companies include online workshops as part of their employer branding strategy. Attendees will be able to ask questions regarding the recruiting process, learn more about the work environment, and connect with the organization on a deeper level during these online sessions.

Finally, many businesses employ online workshops and webinars for networking since they are more participatory than a traditional presentation or meeting.

How To Make Online Workshops More Interactive?

Informing people about important themes to their brand is one of the finest methods for a company to portray itself as a leader in its sector. Hence, online workshops must be interactive.

Let’s find some ways to make it so:

1: Eliminate Background Noise

There must be no background noise involved in an online workshop. You must use excellent microphone and speakers.

Unless you’re requested to unmute, keep it muted.

When you are announcing something, it should come clear to everyone. If there are constant interferences coming when you are talking, it would make the participants less enthusiastic about participating in the virtual workshop.

2: Set Email Reminders

It seems so simple, yet it’s easy to forget.

According to statistics, when email reminders and alerts are issued, attendance rises by 83%. Make the meeting agenda and scheduled activities clear in the reminder, notably the Start Time and Duration.

Ensure that your tech platform supplier sends out email reminders and push alerts automatically besides ticketing & access.

3: Use Different Tools

While Zoom can satisfy the demands of a basic workshop for 5-7 individuals, it tends to fall short when the group size grows, or better tools are required.

Integrated registration and ticketing, polls and trivia, easy audience moderating, automatic reminders, 2-way participation, and, most importantly, surveys are all must-have tools.

If you use different tools, it will keep participants interested for much longer.

4: Host A Fun Quiz

Create a bond with your workshop attendees with a fun quiz.

Make sure the quiz relates to the subject or the main purpose of the session. This will also assist you in determining the degree of your audience’s abilities.

There’s no better way to start a session than by announcing a reward for the winner of the quiz.

5: Reduce Family Contact While You’re Attending The Workshop

You’d be amazed how many times we’ve seen hosts break their own guidelines because one of their family members called them when they were in the middle of the workshop.

Giving your family and friends advance notice of your absence while you’re on the workshop is a fantastic idea. It can keep the communication flow going

But make sure they can still contact you in an emergency.

Make It Fun!

Just because you’re working or studying from home doesn’t mean you can’t make your online workshop interactive and fun.

In fact, there are many ways that can help you make an interactive workshop, and we have discussed a few of them right here.

You can apply all of them the next time you host a workshop, and if you need more help, we’ll be happy to guide you.

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